Sustainable Development
For future generations

Sustainable Development Goals
At the UN summit in September 2015 the United Nations have officially announced the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They build on and succeed the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With the Circular Solutions approach PGM Technologies contributes to a sustainable future. We support the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which create the framework for sustainable business practices at the economic, social and environmental levels.

Circular Solutions help reducing your Carbon Footprint
Technical cleaning and metals recovery from nitric acid or caprolactam production lines result in a positive effect for our environment. Next to the performance improvements on the production facilities and the value of the recovered metals there is a significant reduction of CO2. Clients will reduce their carbon footprint when using recycled Platinum Group Metals for new gauze catalysts compared to purchasing fine metals produced from primary sources.
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ISO Certification
As part of our contribution to the SDGs we invested into additional capacities within PGMT to expand and certify our processes to the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) requirements. This is one way to achieve sustainability of the business and to improve the efficiency and impact of our services for our clients.

Quality & Environmental Policy
As a provider of technical cleaning and platinum group metals recovery in the nitric acid and caprolactam industry, PGM Technologies Ltd is committed to maintaining the highest standards in all our activities to provide a quality service to meet and exceed our clients’ and other interested parties’ expectations and requirements. We aim to do this in a responsible and considerate manner, to benefit the natural environment, our stakeholders, our employees and the business as a whole.

Supply Chain Due Diligence Policy

Health & Safety Policy